
Fanta 750ml

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Fanta 750ml

Category: FANTA

FANTA THE 'ORANGE' DRINK Fanta entered the Indian market in the year 1993. Perceived as a fun youth brand, Fanta stands for its vibrant color, tempting taste and tingling bubbles that not just uplifts feelings but also helps free spirit thus encouraging one to indulge in the moment.

INGREDIENTS:Carbonated Water, Sugar, Acidity Regulator (330), Stabilizers (414, 445), Preservative (211), Colour (110), Contains Permitted Class II Preservative, Synthetic Food Colour & Added Flavours (Natural & Nature-Identical Flavouring Substances). Contains no Fruit.

CHOICES : Cans: 180 ml, 300 ml , PET: 300 ml,600 ml, 1250 ml, 2000 ml Fountain Glass: Various Sizes